
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Cosby Makes Challenge to Black Community

I've heard before that Cosby has been the target of criticism inside the black community. I'm not qualified to say anything about that simply because of my skin color.

I can say I've been a Cosby fan since I was a little kid in the 60's. I can tell you that when I found it almost impossible to communicate with my teenaged daughter that
this video helped us laugh together. I will give credit to Mr. Cosby's work for helping me save my relationship with her. We wore that video out. When I had to evacuate because of the fires last October I made sure that I grabbed that DVD.

Cosby is on Oprah today.

Update 4:59 PM 3/6/2008 Okaybee Mr. Cosby, I listened to what you had to say and I gotta tell you that that shit wouldn't have worked with my kid. I tried it and it drove me AND the kid crazy and accomplished nothing productive. She didn't need me all up in her business any more. Maybe the difference is I already had confidence that I had a good egg, who was going through a bad time, and she would figure it out on her own. And she did. Every kid is different.

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