
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pity the Man

article | posted January 17, 2008 (February 4, 2008 issue)
Pity the Man
Sarah Blustain

I got a little caught up in how many times "PAS" popped up in the article. PA-whosy whatsy? Huh?

Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS) (for men, wooo hoo, let the religious nutjobs begin the bibble babble)

Bwaa haa haa haaa haaa haaaa, you've got to be kidding me. Now why would I say that?

...To begin with, if the science on women's PAS is bad, what exists on men is junk. Mainstream researchers, psychologists and professors agree there is no valid research on PAS and men...

...Suddenly, using nothing but anecdote framed in scientific forms, a single abortion has not one victim, or even two, but three or four or five. And beyond that, millions of abortions have millions of victims: one in four women, and by extension one in four men, and one in four parents, and countless children, until society itself is a victim, filled with all sorts of personal and interpersonal tragedies of divorce, drug use and suicide from which we--all Americans--need protection....

Bwaa haa haa haaa haaa haaaa,

Yeah, I got your PAS right here:

Population Analysis Spreadsheets (PAS)

I got no sympathy for Americans who abort an inviable fetus because for many resources, the United States of America is the world's largest consumer in absolute terms.

Life is tough, boys and the world population isn't going to make it any easier.

Shit. Kucinich just quit the presidential race.

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