
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Media coverage analyzed -- Islam and the West

From the News Dissector

...Countries covered

Twelve Muslim majority countries: Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Palestine Territories, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.

Twelve non-Muslim majority countries: Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Namibia, Russia, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States...


1. Primacy of international politics: Coverage of Middle East conflicts dominated media coverage of Muslim-West relations.

2. Negative tone towards the “other”: While most coverage of Muslim-West issues contained no positive or negative judgements, media from Muslim majority countries were more likely to provide negative coverage of individuals and groups associated with Christianity and Judaism and with non-Muslim majority countries. Conversely, media from non-Muslim majority countries covered Muslim majority countries and Muslim protagonists more negatively, but to a lesser degree....

...Media from Muslim majority countries presented an especially negative tone in their coverage of non-Muslim actors...

(click on title link for the whole report, yeah I cherry-picked out of Danny's post, for my special Jew-hater Muslim trolls)

For something different: Artists Against the War.

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