
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bush Exempts Navy From Environmental Law

(click on pic for C&L "Die, Whales Die!!!" post.)
Bush Exempts Navy From Environmental Law
PAULINE JELINEK | January 16, 2008 01:50 PM EST | AP

WASHINGTON — President Bush exempted the Navy from an environmental law so it can continue using sonar in its anti-submarine warfare training off the California coast _ a practice critics say is harmful to whales and other marine mammals.

How many times have I posted on this?

How many more days do we have to deal with this asshole? I knew he would get his way in less than six months, and the spoiled rotten fucktard piece of shit did.

Yes, I did just call the president of the US a FUCKTARD PIECE OF SHIT. We will have to deal with the world-wide devastation of this administration, stemming from the absolute fanatical worship at the altar of the "free market," for the rest of our lives, our kids lives, and if the planet can still sustain lives, our great great grand children's lives.

You don't get the connection between allowing the military to train and the "free market" neocon fucktards?

Cubby Holes.

You think the federal dollars are heading to San Diego study the health of the ocean?

Or to the military-industrial-congressional-complex?

Which WILL protect the profits of the privatization warriors.

Fuckers are making money on both sides of the "war on terra."

Upper management seems to think that they are playing with toy soldiers.

Not human beings.

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