
Monday, January 14, 2008

Are we frightened and angry enough to be this ugly again?

Readers Say No to Polls, Illegal Immigrants (WaPo dot.comments, Doug Feaver)
Our Readers Who Comment today make two things very clear:
1) They don't trust polls.
2) They are angry about illegal immigration.

Fed official metes mortgage meltdown blame
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President, William Poole, says housing woes were caused by familiar mistakes.

Oakland City Attorney Announces Predatory Lending Fight
By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor (10-19-07)

...foreclosures in Oakland...—a heavily African-American and Latino area represented by Reid—having the highest foreclosure rate in the city, at 14.9 foreclosures per 1,000 homes.

The fact sheet said that citizens of color were most likely to be victims of predatory lending practices, with African-American and Latino homebuyers 3.8 times more likely to have received a high-cost loan than whites, and neighborhoods of color 23.6 times more likely to get higher-cost refinance loans than white neighborhoods....

Some stories hard to get in history books
Updated 4/5/2006 1:36 AM
By Kasie Hunt, USA TODAY

Most high school students in the USA probably don't know that tens of thousands of Mexican-Americans — many of them legal residents or even U.S. citizens — were forcibly sent to Mexico during the depths of the Depression. That's because few history books even mention it.

Related story: U.S. urged to apologize for deportations

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