
Friday, November 16, 2007

US Senate blocks bill to pay for Iraq, Afghanistan without restrictions

ANNE FLAHERTY Associated Press Writer
(AP) - WASHINGTON-The U.S. Senate on Friday blocked a Republican proposal to pay $70 billion (€47.7 billion) for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without strings attached.

.."There is a misperception that this department can continue funding our troops in the field for an indefinite period of time through accounting maneuvers, that we can shuffle money around the department. This is a serious misconception," Gates told reporters at the Pentagon.

As a result, he said he is faced with the undesirable task of preparing to cease operations at Army bases by mid-February, and lay off about 100,000 defense department employees and an equal number of civilian contractors. A month later, he said, similar moves would have to be made by the Marines.

Some members of Congress believe the Pentagon can switch enough money to cover the war accounts, Gates said. But he added that he only has the flexibility to transfer about $3.7 billion (€2.5 billion) which is just one week's worth of war expenses. Lawmakers, he said, may not understand how complicated and restrictive the situation is.

Completely unrelated, but more interesting than I can do this morning. President of Venezuela: The Venezuelan President says they will cut off oil exports to the US if it decides to attack Iran

What is economic growth?

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