
Friday, November 16, 2007

Th WaPo Nov 15,2007

Turmoil replaces treatment at Coalinga hospital

Shades of gray in fiction

Randi Lynn Beach / For The Times
Elaine Petrocelli, owner of Book Passage stores in San Francisco and Corte Madera, says Alice Sebold's novel "The Almost Moon" is "bold" and "brilliant."
As the target audience ages, protagonists are dealing with the same unsettling issues as baby boomers -- IN LARGER PRINT.
By Maria L. La Ganga, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 15, 2007

Airport tests reveal major security flaws
Investigators smuggled parts for liquid bombs past screeners at 19 locations. Changes at TSA are expected.
By Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 15, 2007

Evangelical flocks on their own at the polls

AT THE CORE: Concern over security could lead Christian conservatives to overlook disagreements with Rudolph Giuliani, above, at a campaign stop in a Kirkland, Wash., cafe last month.
Conservative Christian leaders are increasingly reluctant to get political, leaving a key Republican voting bloc divided. The trend may help Giuliani but hurt the GOP in the long term.
By Stephanie Simon and Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
November 15, 2007

Monkey embryos cloned for stem cells, scientists say

Work published online by the journal Nature, a US-led team said they had created cloned embryos from rhesus macaques using the same method that created Dolly the Sheep and other animals.
The breakthrough is said to be a step toward doing the same with humans.
By Karen Kaplan and Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
November 15, 2007

LAPD's Muslim mapping plan killed
Carlos Chavez / Los Angeles Times
The reversal comes after a week of protests from Muslim groups and civil libertarians, who equated the mapping with religious profiling.
By Richard Winton and Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers November 15, 2007

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