
Friday, November 30, 2007

Man, you know you're getting old when...

an interesting Friday night plan is to get extra credit points for a class and then plop in front of the teevee to watch PBS shows.

Tonight's shows are right up my alley:

Will The 2008 Vote Be Fair?
How safe is your right to vote? Former Justice Department official and voting rights lawyer David Becker, who worked under both President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton, alleges a systematic effort to deny the vote to hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of Americans. In a revealing interview with NOW's David Brancaccio, Becker openly worries that the 2008 election will not be free and fair. Is our government part of the solution, or part of the problem?

And from NOW to Bill Moyers Journal

Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

Ronald J. Sider and M.J. Rosenberg
November 30, 2007
A look at the headlines related to this week's conference on Mideast peace in Annapolis might leave a reader confused about expectations and results:
"Restraint in Quest for Peace," THE NEW YORK TIMES; "Annapolis Talks Prompt Much Doubt, a Few Jokes, in Mideast," THE WASHINGTON POST, "Olmert warns of 'end of Israel'," THE BBC, "Annapolis conference gave Rice little to build on," NEWSDAY.

THE ECONOMIST was especially blunt in its assessment of results: "Better than nothing. For now, that is the most that can be said of the new Arab-Israeli 'peace process' George Bush inaugurated in Annapolis on November 27th."

Moyers Mailbag

And this is what I watched last night. Fas-ki-na-tin stuff, focusing on the M-I-C in San Diego.

And finally, I've been following the story about the teacher who let the kids in her class name a teddy bear Muhammed and I really don't understand why this teacher wasn't flown home to Britain. Now the locals want to kill her. Something funny here.

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