
Friday, July 20, 2007

Kings, Queens and dorkwads

Last night I watched about ten minutes of a show on PBS called Queen & Country .

I looked for a web page to see if I could find the exact quote that made me reach for the remote and click the OFF button in disgust, but I couldn't find one. Some smiling, chubby Canadian dude was going on about how much the Americans love the Monarchy and he was so proud that the Canadians actually had a Queen, and the Americans don't.


First of all, I didn't even know that the Canadians considered the Queen of England their Queen, and secondly, I wondered if this guy had any clue about why the Revolutionary War in the American Colonies was fought?

(Hint: We need a new revolution to get rid of this dorkwad in the White House who tells us yet again that he thinks he is King George.

That and the snubbing of the Queen by this dude (um, not surprising that a woman would be snubbed in a predominantly Muslim country is it?) was about all I could stand to watch regarding royalty last night.

I must admit though, that this picture is priceless, the Queen sure has dudes number, don't she?

Speaking of PBS, I know where I'll be tonight.

I'll be plopped right in front of the teevee watching
NOW (even thought this particular episode looks like it might be sad) and Bill Moyers Journal (because I must see The Yes Men ).

Completely unrelated, unless you consider Machiavellian machinations and the new cold war that has pulled in Britain and Russia :

Kissinger’s Secret Meeting With Putin

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