
Saturday, July 14, 2007

How timely was this?

Last night I watched Bill Moyers' Journal.

It was a fascinating discussion,mostly about this administration's acting as if they are all above the law. Impeachment was mentioned. The Constitution was mentioned. Moyers, Fein and Nichols carried on quite an interesting exchange. It was energizing.

This morning I picked up the book I've been reading and eventually came across this passage on page 360:
Many other "minor" innovations in the Constitution--the difficult yet workable procedure for amending it, impeachment, the the requirement that the Senate concur on presidential appointments, a narrow definition of treason, the power sharing by states that has allowed territories to organize a new states---help explain its success. It is now the world's oldest written constitutions still in effect. All this is the "what" of the Constitution, and Americans need to be reminded of it because many do not understand it. Diane Skvarla, curator for the Senate, says many visitors to the Capitol have no understanding even of the three branches of government and are forever asking "Where is the president's office?" and "What does Congress do?" Their visit to Independence Hall won't help.

After reading this book and two other books by Loewen, I have no desire to see (white) small town America (North and South) or to visit any of the glorified plantations that won't inform visitors that they (and this country) were built on slavery.
I do want to know more about the Constitution though.

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