
Monday, April 23, 2007

CBS evening blues

Gail Shister
Katie Couric hasn't redeemed the No. 3 newscast. Can she survive as anchor?
By Gail Shister
Inquirer Columnist

...Katie Couric is an expensive, unfixable mistake.... "She's trying too hard," Tyndall says. "She's overthinking her role. She's got to stand back. It's a very Zen problem. To be the face of Evening News, she's got to be self-effacing."

Self-effacing isn't the first adjective that comes to mind with Couric. She arrived at CBS with her own group of producers, bookers and assistants, which didn't sit well with the staff.

"She sees herself as a star and thinks the whole news department is here to serve her," says a longtime CBS correspondent...

Sympathy for Katy? Nope, not here.

I'm not the only one who thought it was a bad idea.

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