
Friday, March 30, 2007

Josh Marshall informs.... I wonder about connecting the anthrax dots

Just. Go. Read it.

Local FBI head to become top security for Sempra Energy

Ha ha ha, welcome to my town.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they find out eventually that the idea to send anthrax to the Democratic senators who were questioning the Patriot Act, and the rush to war was hatched right here in San Diego. Grover Norquist loves the place.

This town is full of brainwashed right-wing fucktards.

Yeah, I said fucktards.

Greedy fucktards with a sense of entitlement like you ain't never seen before.

Whiny punk-assed sniveling puerile bitches with porcine faces.

That's the husbands.

Don't even get me started on the airhead trophy wives.

I call them RepugnantThuglicans.

I'm sure they are buying the republican talking point that Lam needed to go because she couldn't keep up with the demands on her immigration cases.
Senator Feinstein's questioning should put that to rest. These people will cover their ears with their hands and go "la la la la, I can't hear you."

They're also the type that grunt "Ugh, Mike Aguierre bad" because Mike won't let the real estate developers do whatever the fuck they want to do, unlike Downsize Jerry and Chief Landsdowne.

God I hate the
fishwrap. They hate him. I love him.

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