
Monday, March 26, 2007

Katie Couric bugs the living sh*t out of me

Click on title link to watch Katie Couric "interview" John and Elizabeth Edwards from 60 minutes last night .

Here's a couple of responses to it from the truly liberal media:

This is for you, Katie Couric TPM cafe

Open Letter To Katie Couric: You Were Unfair To The Edwards
March 26, 2007 at 05:06:43

My response to it:

Big Business is terrified of John Edwards. He's spanked a few negligent companies and he was not born a prince. Heaven forbid that the public might want to elect someone who actually embodies the "American Dream" and might have their best interest at heart because he's actually been there, he actually understands them.

The Newz Bizness is a cynical business also Katie.

Katie, it's so obvious that you are a shill for Big Business, that's your job.

Update. David Sirota has something to say also: Et Tu, Katie Couric?

Hey Katie, you think you might take those hard edged interrogation skills and find out how Dennis Kucinich plans to deal with the health care crisis?


I didn't think so.

Wayne Madsen has updated the Politics Journalism incest chart

Oh. My. God.

I just can't seem to stop adding stuff to this post

I want to read this book.

The cover art alone spells out exactly how I feel about the MSM and the excerpts are wonderful.

I loved David Brock's Blinded by the Right, so this book looks like it's right up my alley.

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