
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

E-mails Tell Story of Lam's Dismissal (

Behind Lam's Ouster (from Voice of San Diego )

The Issue: Internal Justice Department communications indicate that Carol Lam was pushed out because of her record in prosecuting immigration cases.

What It Means: Lam had made a name for herself for prosecuting white-collar and political corruption cases, but congressmen and her Justice Department superiors were unhappy with her lack of attention to immigration smugglers.

The Bigger Picture: The firing of Lam and a group of other U.S. attorneys nationwide has sparked a political controversy, leading to one of the first big showdowns between the Democratic-controlled Congress and the White House. Some Democrats had speculated Lam was pushed out because of her prosecution of Republican figure

...Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wanted Lam "on a very short leash," wrote Kyle Sampson, Gonzales' former chief of staff, on June 1....

...If Lam balked or didn't deliver smuggling prosecutions in 45 days, Sampson wrote to two top Justice Department officials, "remove her."...

RepugnantThuglican Daryl Issa grandstands and Bush buttkisses on CNN and the thing blows up and it looks like she doesn't care about human smuggling----yeeesh.

Fer Christsakes, illlegal immigration issues need to be dumped in the laps of those who create them: EMPLOYERS who are so fucking greedy they hire the cheapest labor that they can get their hands on, and then get their panties in a wad because they can't rent out their slum-like rental properties. (from me)

...Lam met with Issa in August to discuss his concerns. The meeting appeared productive, and Justice Department attorneys in Washington were pleased. Lam made her priorities clear, and Issa didn't want any follow-up information.

"It was fine (at least I think it was,)" Lam wrote in an e-mail to Rebecca Seidel, a Justice Department attorney. "The tone was civil and at times even friendly. ... Essentially I must make a choice -- prosecute the coyotes who are smuggling but not endangering anyone, or the rapists and murderers who are coming back to rape and murder again."...

DOJ emails: "Hey Lam, can you edit our response to dumbass Issa?" (from Kos )

Was Carol Lam Targeting The White House Prior To Her Firing? (from Think Progress)

at Largely

Why was U.S. Attorney Carol Lam Fired? Here are a Few Political Possibilities. Tell Us What You Think the Reason Was. (from Buzzflash)

TPM Muckraker coverage

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