
Friday, November 10, 2006

Veterans and their families deserve justice and honesty

Veterans and their families deserve justice and honesty
Posted on Fri, Nov. 10, 2006
By Mike Honda
This Veterans Day, as we reflect upon the ideals and freedoms that define our country, we honor those who fought to protect them since the founding of the republic; and we unite in celebrating the patriotism and valor of soldiers, sailors, aviators and marines who have served, or are serving, in Iraq, Afghanistan and across the globe in the struggle against terrorism.

This has nothing to do with Veterans Day, but I found these two articles interesting:

...Google video suit could signal YouTube trouble ahead
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2006

E-Voting Squeaks By With Passing Grade

Mark Weisenmiller
TAMPA, Florida, Nov 9 (IPS) - An estimated 80 to 90 percent of the nearly 79 million U.S. voters either cast their mid-term elections ballot by computer on Tuesday or had their vote tabulated that way, and as experts had predicted, there were various glitches with electronic voting machines throughout the country.

And finally, America, it's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

History doesn't stop:

China anticipates bumpy road with U.S.
Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi climbed the Democratic Party ranks in Congress savaging China for its human rights abuses...

Euro gains as China plans to dump U.S. dollar reserves
News Story
Ottawa Business Journal StaffFri, Nov 10, 2006 11:00 AM EST


Oil Futures

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