
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Theo-Con propaganda and spies

I have no idea why all the spy stories caught my eye this morning, but they did. Propaganda is always fascinating to me.

Glenn Beck interviews Benjamin Netanyahu
CNN - Video 11/15/06 Runtime 5 Minutes
War Pimp Alert
U.S. & Israeli Propaganda Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran

Bush's Desire for a Conflict With Iran Is A Crisis Made in Israel
By Scott Ritter, Nation Books. Posted November 20, 2006.

CIA analysis finds no Iranian nuclear weapons drive: report
By Agence France-Presse
11/19/06 "AFP"-- -- WASHINGTON - A classified draft CIA assessment has found no firm evidence of a secret drive by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, as alleged by the White House, a top US investigative reporter said on Saturday

Scroll down to May 11

Israeli Actions in the Americas

USS Liberty incident
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?

Spy leaves egg on U.S. faces
Book says Ali Mohamed engaged in terrorism for two decades
11/19/06 "Toronto Sun"
"For almost two decades, the former Egyptian army commando succeeded in living a double life. Brazenly slipping past watch lists, he moved in and out of the U.S. with impunity, marrying an American woman, becoming a naturalized citizen, and posing as an FBI informant—all while acting as chief of security for Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri."
This sentence fascinates me because a long time ago I knew somebody who knew somebody, who knew somebody who would pay lower income American women around $2500 to marry men from the Middle East so that the men could get their citizenship. I don't know anybody who did it and I immediately turned my nose up with disdain, even though you didn't have to live with them, and could divorce them as soon as they got their citizenship. Poverty was better than dealing with those men to me. I didn't like the ones I'd met. The ones I'd met, for the most part, treated this American woman disrespectfully, & I 'd heard from other women, that I wasn't alone in feeling this way. I wonder if the woman who married him loved him, or she was poor, or what? I haven't read the book.

Poisoned spy 'had death threats'
Alexander Litvinenko is being treated in a London hospital
Update on condition
A friend of a former Russian spy seriously ill in a London hospital said both had received e-mail threats days before his poisoning.

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