
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rumsfeld to Gates

Battterrrrrr uuuuuuppp

Yeesh, wtf is it with these ol leftover Iran/Contra dudes?

Voting Machine Fiasco:
SAIC, VoteHere and Diebold

by Lynn Landes
Dissident Voice
August 19, 2003

then there's this: Robert Gates Promoted and Financed Osama Bin Laden

Update: not hurting local defense contractors, looks like.
Press Release Source: SAIC
Wednesday November 8, 5:00 pm ET
SAIC Acquires AETC Incorporated

Oh, yeah, guys?
Sorry, they want the Sandinista dude in Nicaragua

Never let me go: can Ortega reclaim Nicaragua?
The reinvention of Daniel Ortega, may be enough for the majority of poor Nicaraguans to give the Sandinista hero-villain of the 1980s another chance, reports Ivan Briscoe in Managua.
Ivan Briscoe
2 - 11 - 2006

Hmm, think Ortega is interested in this?

Nicaragua Canal Present Day
As of 2004, the Nicaraguan government is again proposing a canal through the country, large enough to handle post-Panamax ships of up to 250,000 tons, as compared to the 65,000 tons or so that the Panama Canal can manage. The estimated cost of this scheme may be as much as 25 billion dollars; this is 25 times Nicaragua's annual budget.

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