
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Funny guy!

Ole Gadaffi's yammering out his neck again.

"The West exploits tribalism, sectarianism and (skin) colour to feed war, which leads to backwardness and Western intervention in a number of countries," he said.

WTF, are we also backing the Janjaweed? Aren't they Arab Muslims? Isn't the whole Darfur crisis Muslims killing Muslims?

Leads to backwardness? So, it's the West's fault that there is some backwardness on the African continent? Maybe something got lost in translation here?

Oh, yeah, and there's the oil question, which I suspect also, but who wants to get their mitts on this oil?

Who wants to know about it?

What's that you say? China, that harbinger of human rights is investing in Sudanese oil?

Umm, yeah, so why do we want to get involved in another civil war again?

Oh boy, Jon Tester, Jim Webb and Koppel talks about a documentary he did for the Discovery Channel in Iran on Press the Meat watch it here
about 40 minutes in Koppel says the dirty word: OIL

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