
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Election '06: Great Outcome, Flawed Votes

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted November 10, 2006.
Don't confuse a good political outcome with a bad electoral process.Election integrity activists face a quandary this week. After an Election Day where new voting machines failed from coast to coast, and GOP-favoring voter suppression tactics unfolded in state after state, this largely liberal-leaning community knows all too well that the machinery used to slam the breaks on the dreadful Bush administration is deeply flawed, that Tuesday night's vote counts shouldn't fully be trusted.
But will they say so? Will they stand with, gag, the apparently dethroned Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., and demand the electronic machines in 27 counties be impounded and examined for vote-count problems? That could reveal, once and for all, why new electronic machines need to be junked. Or will political victory throw a wet blanket on a fired-up election integrity movement?

(click on title link, read the whole thing)

and then there's this from Billmon (supply and demand on K Street)

US vetoes UN draft condemning Israel

In response to draft resolution condemning Israel for Beit Hanoun explosion, American ambassador to UN Bolton says: Draft biased against Israel, doesn't address issue of Palestinian terror. Four other countries abstain from voting
Yitzhak Benhorin, Washington
11.11.06, 20:54

Do I think this will change in January? We'll see, but color me cynical, K?

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