
Friday, October 20, 2006

Tired, frustrated and depressed, but voting anyway.

I was listening to my favorite morning talk show and a caller said everything that I think and feel. He said (and I'm paraphrasing) he was frustrated, and depressed about the voting machines, tired of getting motivated to go to the polls and have the elections stolen. Then he said he was too old and fat to go throw coktails in the street, and I could relate to that also, I don't want to know what jail is like. There is one on right now who is talking about what they saw on TV last night, and I think he was watching some of the same shows I was. I don't remember which show because I was goofing around on the phone with a friend, but I about threw up when I looked up and saw all the Republican Congressmen from the San Diego area smiling and yukking it up for the cameras. Don't tell me these mofos don't know that Diebold, the mega-churches (about thirty-five thousand idiot sheeple here in San Diego) and Corporate money put them there, because I'll call you a damn liar. These assholes don't give a FUCK about the "people" they are supposed to represent.

Sixteen percent of the country approves of Congress right now, and they look like they're going to throw another party on our dime?


Ok, enough bitching. I need to slog through the rest of the stuff on my ballot and send it in and hope that it dosen't hit the circular file.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way.
    I think everything we work for will be taken away.
    It just pisses me off. I hope our country is better than this, but these days I'm not so sure.
    It is frustrating.
