
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Womens be thinkin' too much

These three little tidbits that sneak through the US military-industrial-media wall might encourage more people to vote and to pay attention to how the US really interacts with the rest 0f the world. Somehow I don't see that happening. Not when American Idol is on and more people want to vote for an Idol, rather than vote in their local elections, or heaven forbid, actually get involved in local politics. American Idol is like, sooooooooo much more fun.

Unreported: The Zarqawi Invitation
By Greg Palast

War Criminal Nation
Murdering More 'Ragheads'
By Paul Craig Roberts

The following is an interesting report. The html links spew do-gooder rhetoric regarding what the United States is doing to combat human trafficking, as do the first fifteen or twenty pages of the report. If you download the whole report and plop 'united states' into the search function you will see just how many countries are gateways for trafficking into the US.

G'head, G'head, go see for yourself:

Human Trafficking Report 2006

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