
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

voting machines

Vote tally may take awhile
Posted on Tue, Jun. 13, 2006
By Chris Metinko
ALAMEDA COUNTY: Supervisors', Oakland mayor's contests have razor-thin margins and ballots need counting
...The county was able to borrow 60 optical scanners and 50 touch-screen machines from San Diego County for the primary, but it was still well short of how many scanners and touch-screens a county the size of Alameda would normally have for an election...

Orange County residents examine voting machines of the future
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
...Republican Orange County Elections Commissioner David Green said they want the input from county residents before he and Democrat Elections Commissioner Susan Bahren make their choice...

Ummmm, yeah, since when do Republicans listen to anything but the talking points?

Group Claims New Voting Machines Can Be Tampered With
June 12th, 2006 @ 8:46am
Chris Kaye reporting


  1. Sometimes I miss hanging chads (except in 2000, of course.)

  2. I said as soon as the results were in "'Ol Jeb sure came through for his brother, didn't he"....or was that 2004? Oh yeah, the first time King George was appointed by daddy's buddies on the Soooooopreeeeeem court, yeah that's the ticket!
