
Monday, March 20, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

I'm feeling really lame today, be forewarned.

The only thing I found really interesting in the lefty politicky realm was the Kos President 08 straw poll.

I don't usually say much about TV because I don't watch much of it, I just don't have the patience to suspend THAT much disbelief. I watched a bit of Grey's Anatomy when the show first started and I hated it. I have no idea why I started watching it again, but I do now and I'm hooked.

Whoever is in charge of updating this page really needs to do that because last night I heard the best line I've ever heard on TV:

Izzie corners Christina and tells her to give Preston back his scrub cap and then she says to her "I grew up in a trailer park and I'm not above kicking your pampered little Beverly Hills ass!"

Wooooooo Hooooooo, I'm still grinning at that one. Great line, great scene, ladies, gracias.

This is funny. Punk'd Pompeo

Now I know why she get's on my last nerve, but she can act, that's for sure.

Update: More giggles from Moxiegrrrl: best blonde joke eva

Go see MoxieGrrrl !!! today's post is a good one!

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