
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Disenfranchising Kucinich

NBC Fights to Keep Kucinich Out of Debate

Are you FUCKing kidding me?

( JP isn't happy about this either)

So according to Randi Rhodes (yeah, you know, that liberal woman who tells the truth and does her homework, that I have to stream from other cities because my city is full of greedy RepugnantThuglican chickenshit assholes? ) Kucinich was invited by NBC, then DIS invited, then he sued NBC to be allowed into the debate.

Randi's also talking about how to vote in Michigan today and make sure your vote is counted. If you write anything in, your ballot will be tossed.

Empty Dem primary upsets voters

The Associated Press
January 13. 2008 12:41AM

For Michigan voters, the state's early primary is either an exciting contest to pick the candidate who may be the eventual Republican nominee or an unsatisfying choice between Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and "Uncommitted."
Republican leaders are ecstatic, while Democratic leaders are trying to put the best spin on a process that has left many Democratic voters disgruntled, since Barack Obama and John Edwards have pulled their names off the ballot.

So how's voting going in Michigan today?

Primaries and Caucuses (link to dates)

Update The Fishwrap pees it's pants in excitement over Kucinich's inability to participate in debate

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