
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Israel and Palestine, quit sucking the whole world into your sandbox filled with quicksand

* Israel announces unilateral ceasefire

Nonetheless, rockets landed in Israel even minutes before he spoke and Hamas leaders said they would continue to fight for an end to Israel's closure of much of Gaza's trade and a withdrawal of the Israeli forces from their territory.

Religion Sucks.

Hmmm, just as I posted that, iTunes decided I needed to be listening to Rage Against The Machine: Settle For Nothing

"...a world of violent rage, but it's one that I can recognize..."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Power Struggle

Week of 1.16.09

This guy says the CPUC keeps SDG&E in line.

Yeah right, was he with the company when we got fucked by Enron ?

Where the fuck was the CPUC then?

Because I love this video and my friend is visiting me today

Gotta smile and laugh sometimes, eh?

Umm, and dance :)

Update 2:24 PM 1/16/2009 the video makes me smile, and this headline cracked me up.
UPS Delivers 30-Pound Marijuana Brick To Wrong Address January 15, 2009 03:56 PM EST

UPS name change to OOPS is in order perhaps?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Frontline, Dreams of Obama

watching online now, and reading this, and my glasses still suck. I'm getting my eyes re-examined next week to see what the problem is since I just paid 500 bucks for a pair of glasses, (and the frames were cheap and ugly) and can't fucking drive with them on. Yeesh, this getting older stuff sucks.

Ho-leeee crap, we know wer'e in deep shit when Google lays off people.

And speaking of holy crap, this is too much. You just don't shell the UN. I've been trying to avoid the Gaza mess because frankly, I'm starting to hate both side of that fucking mess. Mostly because they suck the whole world into their mess and I'm sick of it.

Shelling the UN is bullshit and this is bullshit:

French Muslim Soldiers Refuse Afghanistan Mission
Thursday January 15th, 2009 / 11h32

hat tip to Islam in Europe

Religion sucks #16

and ties up the courts in stupid ways.

By LINDA COADY, ESQ., Andrews Publications Staff Writer

A federal appeals court has ruled that DNA sampling does not violate an evangelical Christian prisoner's religious rights under the U.S. Constitution or federal law...

...Kaemmerling was convicted of conspiring to commit wire fraud, a felony offense, and is serving time in a federal prison in Texas...

...Even if Kaemmerling had alleged a substantial burden on his exercise of religion, the panel said, his complaint still would fail to state a claim for relief because the burden is "in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest," that is, preventing and solving crimes...

This idiot is an evangelical Christian from Texas.

'nuff said.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bradblog reader, cracks me up :)

The following email invitation arrived today, from reader "Karen"...
Blogged by Brad Friedman on 1/10/2009 12:07PM
Invitation to Pre-Inauguration Opening of The George W. Bush Presidential Library...

Missed this a couple of days ago, it's funny thanks "Karen."

In Foreign Policy, a New Trio at the Top

With Hearing Today, Clinton, Kerry and Obama Begin to Realign Their Roles

By Anne E. Kornblut and Glenn Kessler
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, January 13, 2009; A01

FACTBOX- Quotes from Hillary Clinton confirmation hearing
Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:29pm GMT

Here are some of her quotes on key topics:


"We will pursue a new, perhaps different approach. What we have tried has not worked.

"No option is off the table."

"We will do everything we can pursue through diplomacy, through the use of sanctions, through creating better coalitions with countries that we believe also have a big stake in preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear weapon power."

"We have no illusions, Mr. Chairman, that even with a new administration looking to try to engage Iran in a way that might influence its behaviour, that we can predict the results. But the president-elect is committed to that course and we will pursue it."

Obama team takes new tack on Iran amid Mideast peace push
2 hours ago

The outgoing administration of President George W. Bush refused to engage in direct negotiations with Iran unless it first stops enriching uranium, material which Washington fears could be used to build an atomic bomb.

"The incoming administration views with great concern ... Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, its continuing interference with the functioning of other governments, and its pursuit of nuclear weapons," she said.

Along with Syria, Iran backs the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip -- which is being pounded by the Israeli army in an 18-day military offensive -- as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon, which fought a similar war with Israel in 2006.

Washington also accuses Iran of meddling in Iraq and Afghanistan...

...She called for a "strategy of smart power in the Middle East that addresses the security needs of Israel and the legitimate political and economic aspirations of the Palestinians."

Clinton hoped it "effectively challenges Iran to end its nuclear weapons program and its sponsorship of terror."

She said the new strategy also could "persuade both Iran and Syria to abandon their dangerous behavior and become constructive regional actors."

politickybitch sez The Palestinian/Israeli football game that sucks the whole world in to play is mighty tiresome.

Mighty tiresome.

Monday, January 12, 2009

John Cusack asks two questions

MMMMhmm, what I would pay attention to if I gave a crap today. I'm too tired to care what's going on right this instant with No Se Nada Torquemada 's replacement.

Batter up.

Update 7:29 PM 1/12/2009 : Keeeeeee-rap, here we go again. I want to read my favorite blogs and there goes blogrolling on the fritz again. Yeesh. Well, if I post 'em, at least I can get to them easily---

Blue Girl, Red State
Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Constantly Amazed, Yet Never Surprised
Outta the Cornfield
Guys from Area5 1
Welcome Back to Pottersville
Scoobie Davis Online
Ketchup is a Vegetable
Ornery Bastard
Alternate Brain
Dyre Portents
The Political Cat
skippy the bush kangaroo
They Gave Us A Republic...
The Great Endarkenment
One Pissed Off Veteran
distributorcap NY
The Democratic
WTF is it Now?
The Apostate
The Barefoot Bum

The big kids on the playground that I normally don't link to
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Feministe - In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set
MyDD :: Direct Democracy for People-Powered Politics
Bitch Ph.D.
Oliver Willis
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community
The Daily Dish By Andrew Sullivan
Fire Dog Lake


Mother Jones
The Nation
TPM Muckraker
OB Rag
Voice of San
San Diego Reader
Crooks and Liars
Think Progress
NY Times
UK Guardian
LA Times
Washington Post
San Diego Citybeat