
Friday, February 29, 2008

I've been staring at this assignment for two days straight. I've read the chapter in the textbook, & the book is quite colorful now because I've managed to use 5 different highlighters in it.

Essay and Discussion Questions

1. How does geography structure Russia's history and security
policies? How does this differ from those of the U.S.?

2. How did Lenin's approach to world politics change after he
assumed power in Russia?

(Update at 10:41 PM 3/2/2008. The question above is the lucky question winner, & here's what I turned in. Fucker's due in 20 minutes and I don't have time to fix it if it's wrong. Of course I feel like a complete idiot right now, because I just discovered these nice blogs, one of them being on Russian history, via ROTUS

3. In general, does a country's foreign policy tend to be
ideological or pragmatic?

4. What were Stalin's foreign policy blunders?

5. Could the 1945 Yalta meeting have resulted in an appreciably
different outcome for East and Central Europe?

I can't think of anything less interesting to answer than any of these 5 questions right now. Bleh.

Could be also that I'm distracted by the asshole next door's music pounding on the wall directly behind my computer.

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