
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Do you know where your pension is invested?

This week, NOW takes a close look at hedge funds—sometimes secretive and often very risky investment accounts that have brought incredible wealth and power to some, but with the potential to spell dire consequences for ordinary Americans.
(26 minute video)
Brancaccio doesn't mention in the video that Gary Aguirre and Mike Aguirre are brothers. I think their parents should be proud. It takes courage to keep following the money trail even when it leads to what may be the rich and powerful committing fraud.

This Aguirre's fight is with SEC He says he was fired for pressing a probe
December 24, 2006

Gary Aguirre's Sacking Should Spur Probe
Published on July 20, 2006
By Don Bauder

Big fish swim freely in SEC pond
Commentary: Former investigator has exposed agency's fear of the powerful

By David Weidner, MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:10 PM ET Dec 7, 2006

Chris Reed of the U-T said "reader complains that this is mean-spirited. If it comes across that way, that wasn't my intention. Whatever my opinion of Mike Aguirre, I don't know Gary Aguirre and have no way of judging his allegations."
I'm not linking to Chris Reed's blog because he IS mean spirited. Bulldog for the rich and powerful in this county if you ask me. I had a quite
nasty email exchange with him over those expensive garbage voting machines, and the behavior of my congressional representative's children. I was quite angry and I have a tendency to become mean spirited also. This bitch bites. You've been warned.

Letters to the editor indicate that citizens like Mike Aguirre

So when the elite (and their bought and paid for "journalists") try to blame the middle class for for tanking the world economy:
Low savings rate in U.S. seen as danger

It's totally ludicrous. The elite are sucking everything they can out of the middle class. In fact they are sucking the life out of the middle class. The middle class are going to be surprised when they have no pension because one third of the money moving around Wall Street is in hedge funds that they don't know anything about.

If you think that there is no public corruption in the US , you are seriously deluded. Check out the Corporate Crime Reporter's for 2004. (pdf)

More on whistleblowers:

Notable Whistleblowers (NOW on PBS)

Whistleblower (Wikipedia)

Kill the messenger: whistleblowers and cover-ups (Sourcewatch)

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