
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Karma for a war profiteer

Remember the ten million dollar bat mitzvah that the war profiteer who sold defective body armor threw for his daughter?

...For Brooks, the highlight of the $10 million gala was a performance by rockers from Aerosmith. So pumped was the middle-aged Long Island businessman that he reportedly donned a hot pink, metal-studded suede pantsuit to cavort onstage with Steven Tyler....

...might have to exchange his pink rock star costume for an orange jumpsuit...

Bwaaaa haaaa haaaa haaa ha ha ha hah

Ok, now stop laughing, here's a possible solution to the war is a racket thing.

I was reading Pen and Sword's post:
Preemptive Overreacting in the Next World Order
Thursday, July 13, 2006

And generally I appreciate what he has to say. Not today, it's hot, I'm impatient and I want him to read the book on this page and the CounterPunch article right here:
Public Good Should Trump War Profiteering
Nationalize the Defense Industry!
July 6, 2006


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. there may be some justice in this world after all. slap one of mr. brook's crappy vests on him and test it till it fails. yeah
