
Friday, February 10, 2006

Mohammed Cartoons stoke the fire

Make no mistake, this is a political tool being used by leaders in Western Countries and leaders in the Middle East. It is being fueled by two very flammable sources---gas and oil This is economic, not religious. By leaders I mean business leaders, financiers and their purchased politicians. Including religious leaders in the West AND the Middle East. If you can't extrapolate that from only today's top world headlines, I can't help you.

But, if you happen to wander over to Google News and take a look, hum part of a song to yourself.

Come on everybody (to the tune of Old MacDonald's Farm, ok?)

Ok, I'm more angry than creative, so I'll simplify it and only go for the chorus line:

With a pipeline here
and a pipeline there
here a pipe, there a pipe, everywhere a pipe-line
eeeh-eye-eeeh-eye-oh .....

You know, when I started out 4 1/2 years ago, to become more informed about the real world & how it functions, you know, what life is like outside the US (well, I've always been curious about that) and what could possibly have motivated those "terrists", I really didn't know how much anger it would provoke in me, towards the sacred cow of capitalism, and the parasites who flourish inside that bloody sacred cow. I didn't know that I would be enraged at my government's hidden (from most of us, anyway) actions. I didn't know that I was living in an unsustainable, false, Pollyanna, Mickey Mouse, don't-look-beyond-next-quarter's-earnings kind of place. My world has changed. So has the real world.

1 comment:

  1. as someone smarter than me once said, the unexamined life is not worth living.

    i would dare say the same applies to the world one lives in, as well.
